Some of our customers:

Next-Generation Sequencing is a very powerful tool to examine selection outputs like antibody phage display in more detail. The statistical evaluation of millions of sequences allow far better understanding of the enrichment processes and these data give very useful guidance for next project steps. One bottleneck is the versatile bioinformatic requirements for a fast and structured analysis of large numbers of sequences of such complex bio-pannings. AptaIT provides with the AptaAnalyzer software an advanced bioinformatics solution which greatly enhances our NGS data analysis workflow. The flexible and user-friendly sequencing software tool fits our needs for in-time streamlined project decisions perfectly.

Dr. Ralf Strohner, Laboratory Leader Discovery Alliances & Technologies; MorphoSys AG, Germany

“Deep analysis of phage display selection outputs by NGS is a vital part of our discovery process at LifeArc. The need for such analysis is growing steadily in the antibody discovery field but there is still a lack of software available on the market that could make the process fast, reliable and user-friendly. AptaAnalyzerTM developed by AptaIT addresses all those requirements very well, making the analysis a logical and intuitive process. The real power of AptaAnalyzerTM is monitoring the frequency of occurrence of unique sequences through a multi-round selection campaign. Personally, I also like the clarity and simplicity of the interface.”

Dr. Arkadiusz Oleksy, Senior Scientist, BioTherapeutics Group, LifeArc , UK

We at Isogenica strive to provide our licensees with the best possible synthetic antibody libraries – be it our llamdA™ camelid single domain antibody library or fully synthetic conventional human Fab library. NGS sequencing plays a critical part of the quality control of these Colibra™ built libraries, and having access to AptaIT’s AptaAnalyzer™ has significantly simplified our analyses of these vast datasets. Furthermore, the flexibility of the software and its intuitive interface makes it possible to efficiently parse non-antibody scaffold sequence data, as generated by us and many of our CIS Display licensees. We have been very pleased with the quality of the software as well as with the interaction with AptaIT staff, who have proven to be very responsive to technical questions and suggestions for further development.

Dr. Guy Hermans, CSO Isogenica Ltd, UK

AbCheck s.r.o. focuses on the discovery and optimization of high-quality therapeutic human antibodies for partner companies. We had the chance to work with the AptaAnalyzer and highly appreciate this professional and convenient solution for in house NGS data analyses. In particular the well-reasoned structure of the software, the self-explaining user interface and several plotting options to produce figures in publishing quality are greatly acknowledged. We recommend the AptaAnalyzer software as well as AptaIT as an extraordinary competent and supportive partner.

Dr. Vera Molkenthin, Chief Scientist Antibody Discovery, AbCheck s.r.o., Czech Republic

“In our work we use yeast surface display selections to identify specific peptide-binding proteins. We use NGS to determine the amino acid sequences of selected proteins in subsequent selection pools. For NGS data evaluation, we collaborate with AptaIT, who is a very reliable and supporting partner. Evaluation of data is done in great detail and short time. Questions are readily processed and answered comprehensively. The newly developed AptaAnalyzer software is well-thought-out and easy to use. The search for specific sequences, visualization and comparison of different datasets can be performed intuitively. I think this software is perfect for scientists who want to evaluate their NGS data on their own.”

Laboratory of Prof. Dr. Andreas Plückthun, Andrea Henning, PhD student, University of Zurich, Switzerland

“AptaIT’s NGS data analysis service has become part in our standard analysis workflow for aptamer generation. AptaIT's reliability, short turnaround times in combination with results in several levels of details enable us to interpret experiments, which we are currently performing. Their analysis results help us more and more to understand and optimise the in vitro evolution process.”

Prof. Dr.Günter Mayer, University of Bonn, LIMES Institute, Germany

“The AptaIT team provide exceptional customer service. These professional analysists are personable and are always responsive to our bioinformatics needs. The data that they provide is clearly presented and user-friendly.”

G. Thomas Caltagirone, Ph.D., President & CEO, Aptagen, LLC, USA

A qualified bioinformatical analysis of our NGS data is extremely important in our aptamer generation process. With AptaIT, we have found an ideal partner who supports us in very professional and proactive way. Their software features versatile analysis tools for NGS data and enables us to better understand our in vitro selection process and to identify fast the potential aptamer sequences.

Dr. Marcus Menger, Group Manager Functional Nucleic Acids – Aptamers, Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology - Branch Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses (IZI-BB), Germany


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