Quality control of phage display or aptamer libraries

Next-generation sequencing is a powerful tool to analyze the quality of aptamer or phage display libraries. Use our analysis service to check the synthesis of your random or randomized DNA libraries or just the accuracy of your gene synthesis protocol in general. The quality of most starting libraries for aptamer or phage display selections is very poor and often far away from what theoretically can be expected. It is obvious, that the better the quality of the starting library is the better are the chances to identify high quality ligands in your in vitro evolutionary procedure. AptaIT analyzed combinatorial libraries from different providers with respect to diversity and random distribution of nucleotides and motifs. We were surprised about the poor quality of the delivered random oligonucleotides. We have therefore worked together with oligo synthesis companies to develop optimized synthesis protocols for in vitro selection libraries.

Example: Aptamer library (35 nt random) before and after optimization

  • NGS uncovers the probability of nucleotides over the random regions.
  • It helps to control and enhance the synthesis of optimal libraries.
  • The non-optimized aptamer library has an unbalanced distribution of motifs (here 6 nt).
  • The optimal aptamer library shows a Gaussian distribution of motifs.
It has never been so easy to ensure the optimal quality of your synthetic nucleic acid whether coding for your phage display or aptamer library. Avoid any undesirable bias, false bases, insertions or deletions by sending us an NGS data set of your synthesis and you will receive a comprehensive statistical analysis of the nucleic acid or amino acid sequences within a few days. We help you to ensure that you start your phage display, SELEX or any other screening experiment with the constructs that you planned!

Price list

Please download our price list for further information on the quality control of phage display and aptamer libraries or to order your analysis packages or discuss customized projects.

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