Deep sequencing analysis service for T-cell receptor (TCR) profiling experiments.

Deep sequencing of T-cell repertoires (T-cell receptor sequencing) offers the potential for a qualitative as well as quantitative understanding of the adaptive immune system in healthy and disease states. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has transformed the ability to examine antigen receptor repertoires at a very high resolution by examining millions of sequences at once.

AptaIT offers analysis services for deep sequencing data of T-cell receptors of humans, mouse, rat or rabbit. We will review and parse the raw T-cell receptor sequencing data and provide you with the analysis results as tables and graphs.

Both, investigation of a single snapshot of the immune system as well as comparison of multiple time points, e.g. for monitoring disease progression or drug response can be performed on a monoclonal TCR level. Comfortable functionalities enable to compare different individuals and the collection and identification of potential TCR-biomarkers

Deep sequencing of the T-cell receptor repertoires enables the comparison of the TCR status of all individuals/time points of all of your experiments at high resolution. The distribution of lengths of the CDR3 genes (digital spectratyping), CDR relationships, the frequency distribution of CDRs and much more is accessible. Intelligent clustering of receptor families can identify even rare TCRs. Annotation of V- and J-region for identified CDR3 alpha and beta chains is possible according to IMGT-standard. Learn more in our application note for TCR sequencing analysis with our software platform COMPAS.

Please now to discuss your custom T-cell receptor (TCR) sequencing project with us.

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