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From the airport by car

Start in the direction A92 – go left at motorway junction 4: Munich South-West – direction A96 Garmisch-P. / München-Sendling / München-Zentrum (Munich Center) – take the exit 36b-Gräfelfing in the direction Gräfelfing/M.-Pasing – turn left at Am Haag – after 650 m turn right towards Lochhamer Schlag – 400 m further on Neurieder Weg – turn left onto Würmtalstrasse – after 700 m turn right onto Am Klopferspitz – 500 m on the left park in the visitor’s parking lot (Besucherparkplatz).

By train

ICE, IC, or EC Trains every hour to Munich central station (Hauptbahnhof). Take any suburban train (S-Bahn) in the direction Marienplatz/Ostbahnhof. Travel 2 stops to Marienplatz, then change to the underground (U-Bahn) line 6 and travel to the stop Clinical Centre Großhadern clinic (Klinikum Großhadern), then proceed further with the bus number 266 to the stop called IZB.

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