

August, 03-04, 2018, Boulder, U.S.A.

Hear about the new AptaAnalyzer™-SELEX module developed by AptaIT at the Aptamers conference in Boulder. Michael Blank will introduce the new SELEX-module of the software AptaAnalyzer™ intuitively enabling the identification of aptamers or quality control of starting libraries on the basis of next-generation sequencing data derived from different stages of SELEX experiments.

The user friendly software can be easily applied for the comparison of selection rounds (also from different experiments) to in silico identify aptamers with defined functionalities. Also rare aptamers can be identifies in very early selection cycles.

For more details, please visit the event website:


June, 25-26, 2018, Vienna, Austria

Hear about the new AptaAnalyzer™-TCR module developed by AptaIT at the Immune Oncology 2018 world congress in Vienna. Michael Blank will introduce the new TCR-module of the software AptaAnalyzer™ intuitively enabling the immune repertoire analysis of T-cell (and B-cell) receptors on the basis of next-generation sequencing data derived from humans or animals.

You will learn how to take and analyse high resulted snapshots of the immune system at defined time points.  The user friendly software can be easily applied for the comparison of different experiments (timepoints, individuals) to identify TCR and BCR receptors responding to e.g. antigens or drugs.

For more details, please visit the event website:


March, 26-28, 2018, Miami, U.S.A.

Hear about the newest developments of AptaIT at 11th Protein & Peptide Conference-2018. Dr. Michael Blank will introduce new features of the software AptaAnalyzer for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data of antibodies and peptide display experiments.

You will learn about the possibilities of improved identification of peptide and antibody ligands, QC of original libraries, or linking sequence analysis with wet lab data by using the intuitive and user-friendly software.

For more details, please visit the event website:


March, 23-25, 2018, Washington, U.S.A.

Hear about the newest developments of AptaIT at BITs 10th Annual International Congress of ANTIBODIES-2018. Dr. Michael Blank will introduce new features of the software AptaAnalyzer for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data of antibodies and peptide display experiments.

You will learn about the possibilities of improved identification of peptide and antibody ligands, QC of original libraries, or linking sequence analysis with wet lab data by using the intuitive and user-friendly software.

For more details, please visit the event website:

PEGS Europe

November, 13-17, 2017, EPIC SANA Lisboa Hotel, Lisbon, Portugal

Hear about the newest developments of AptaIT at PEGS Europe conference. Dr. Michael Blank will introduce new features of the software AptaAnalyzer for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data of B-cell receptors, antibodies, and peptide display experiments.

You will learn about the possibilities of improved identification of peptide and antibody ligands, QC of original libraries, or linking sequence analysis with wet lab data by using the intuitive and user-friendly software. The presentation “AptaAnalyzer, a New Next Generation Sequencing Analysis Tool For Improved Identification Of Peptide and Antibody Ligands” will take place on day 2 of the Novel Immunotherapy Strategies Stream at 15:50.

For more details, please visit the event website

Next-Generation Antibodies and Protein Analysis

October, 16-17, 2017, International Convention Center, Ghent, Belgium

Hear about the newest developments of AptaIT at the Next-Generation Antibodies and Protein Analysis conference. Visit Dr. Michael Blank at the AptaIT booth to get a personal demonstration of AptaIT’s sequencing software AptaAnalyzer for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data of B-cell receptors, antibodies, and peptide display experiments.

You will learn about the possibilities of improved identification of peptide and antibody ligands, QC of original libraries, or linking sequence analysis with wet lab data by using the intuitive and user-friendly AptaAnalyzer software.

For more details, please visit the event website

Discovery On Target

September, 25-29, 2017, The Westin Copley Place, Boston (MA)

Hear about the newest developments of AptaIT at the Discovery On Target conference. Dr. Michael Blank will introduce new features of sequencing software AptaAnalyzer for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data of B-cell receptors, antibodies, and peptide display experiments.

You will learn about the possibilities of improved identification of peptide and antibody ligands, QC of original libraries, or linking sequence analysis with wet lab data by using the intuitive and user-friendly AptaAnalyzer software. The presentation “AptaAnalyzer, a New Next Generation Sequencing Analysis Tool For Improved Identification Of Peptide and Antibody Ligands” will take place on day 2 of the GENERATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF MEMBRANE PROTEIN ANTIGENS Stream at 12:10.

For more details, please visit the event website

PEGS Boston

May, 1-5, 2017, Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA

Join AptaIT at the PEGS Boston to hear about the newest software developments of AptaIT. Dr. Michael Blank will present the new sequencing analysis software AptaAnalyzer for improving peptide display experiments and the analysis of b-cell receptors and antibodies by a user-friendly desktop software solution.

The presentation “A New Next-Generation Sequencing Analysis Tool for Improved Identification of Peptide and Antibody Ligands” will take place on day 2 of the Engineering Stream at 12:50 in the track Display of Antibodies. A luncheon will be provided for participants. Please visit us also at our poster in the poster session A.

For more details, please visit the event website

10th Annual Proteins & Antibodies Congress

April, 24-25, 2017, Novotel London West, London

Hear about the newest software developments of AptaIT at the 10th Annual Proteins & Antibodies Congress. Dr. Michael Blank will present the new sequencing software AptaAnalyzer for the analysis of next-generation sequencing data of b-cell receptors, antibodies, and peptide display experiments.

You will learn about the possibilities of improved identification of peptide and antibody ligands, QC of original libraries, or linking sequence analysis with wet lab data by using the intuitive and user-friendly AptaAnalyzer software. The presentation “A New NGS Analysis Software Tool For Improved Identification Of Peptide And Antibody Ligands” will take place on day 2 of the Antibody Development, Engineering & Design Stream at 13:30.

For more details, please visit the event website

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