SELEX | Aptamer next-generation sequencing analysis service

AptaIT offers a unique service to help our customers to enhance their SELEX technology and to identify aptamers from SELEX experiments faster and more reliable using next-generation sequencing analysis. We assist in checking the quality of the initial aptamer SELEX library, planning the NGS analysis of the in vitro selection cycles and analysing millions of SELEX sequencing data to identify even rare sequences in early selection cycles. In contrast to simple sequence alignments, the software AptaAnalyzer™ was specifically developed to store, analyse and deconvolute NGS data in very intuitive way to finally identify aptamer candidates with expected properties. Our service is straightforward: Send us your NGS data sets (see also our NGS guidelines), we will review the data, perform the SELEX sequencing analysis and you will receive the results in form of a database file in combination with a viewer version of AptaNalyzer™-SELEX. Results can be viewed, printed and exported very intuitively on several levels of detail.

See for the first time what really happens in your SELEX experiment.

Profit from the power of next-generation sequencing

  • Profound quality checks of your SELEX aptamer libraries.
  • Shorter development times through earlier aptamer identification.
  • Identification of rare but high performance SELEX aptamers.
  • Comprehensive information about target epitope coverage by intelligent clustering of ligands into families.
  • Improved lead optimization and patenting strategies by profound sequence family information

You will find information that is more detailed in our
application note
for SELEX, aptamers and next-generation sequencing.

Please now to discuss your custom NGS analysis of your biopanning experiments with us.

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